Saturday, March 5, 2011

19th Century Farm

When I was a teenager I read Robert Heinlein's book Stranger in a Strange Land and felt like I was living it.  I lived in a small enclave of 2nd generation German immigrant farmers near a large urban city and schooled with the first city people fleeing the urban scene to a nearby small town.  Most of them were very wealthy compared to my family and other German farm families just barely meeting property taxes.  I wanted to be them instead of me but had a hard time keeping up with the psychology of it and, yes, ashamed of who I was.

I lusted to be one of those sophisticates from the urban world.  I knew their lifestyle was so superior to my parent's life.  Then many years later, I compared two things between the cultures.  Since rural German farmers did not have garbage pickup their dumps were on their land.  The urbans now were surrounding my parent's land and they had gotten a garbage pickup service.  They had 2 to 3 huge garbage cans out each pickup day.  I decided to search my parent's land for their dump.  I only found one because there was a bit of broken glass.  The livestock had broken the glass canning jars that must have been cracked and thus "trashed."

So, my question to the earth is--do you want my parents, clad in work-worn clothing from actual bodily labor or do you want those sophisticated city-bred people with their urgent need to fill 2 to 3 garbage cans a week to dump somewhere on you, perhaps or perhaps not, covered for a bare earth effect or open acres of unusable hills of metals, plastics, glass, and latex "sanitation" gloves for those terrified of tiny microbes.

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